Mini Saga #128 – Readiness


Mini Saga #128 – Readiness

It was Dave’s first camping trip with his three friends. Tired after hiking all day, they wanted to sleep early in their tent. Seeing three pairs of earplugs in Dave’s hand, Sam asked him, “Why do you want three pairs of ear plugs?” Dave smiled, “They are not for me.”

Readiness involves caring for yourself AND caring for others involved.


1. A mini saga is a story told in exactly 50 words. Not 49 or 51 but exactly 50.

2. You can download a photographic manifesto of Mini Sagas at ChangeThis. Here is the link – Mini Sagas: Bite-sized Wisdom for Life and Business (PDF, 2.9MB).

3. For a complete list of Mini Sagas, please see the entire list here or at Squidoo