A (simple) question and a (simple) challenge

I have a simple question to end this week:

“What are some exciting projects you are currently working on?”

Now, for the challenge:

Just for the sake of fun, let’s say your answer should have been
“Too many to list.”

If that is really the answer, you win.

If not, what can you do in the next 30 days so that if the same question is asked after 30 days, the answer will be “Too many to list.”?

Bonus challenge 🙂
Now, if you want to have a bigger challenge, try this:

What can you do in the next 30 days so that your team members live up to the challenge? 

In other words, this is what is expected:
After 30 days if someone asks each of your team members “What are some exciting projects you are currently working on?” each one of them will answer “Too many to list.”

Have a great weekend.