Things that make me smile #17 – Kid Talk

Kids at any age are fun. Their thinking is not contaminated. Here are a couple of recent incidents that I remember:

#1 Sumukh (my seven year old son) picked up the phone one day. It was his aunt on the phone and I think she asked him what he was doing. Sumukh’s reply was “Talking.” and the next question must have been “With whom?” and quick came Sumukh’s reply “With you.”

#2 My friend Terry (founder of PSVillage) talked about a similar incident. Terry called her sister one day and her five-year old niece picked up the phone. After announcing who she was, her niece asked “Who is speaking?” Terry wanted to have some fun and said “Who do you think this is?” and after a brief silence, her niece responded “Wow. That’s a very long name”

Enjoy your week ahead!